Sunday, February 5, 2012

:: Miracle Mind Manifesting Program :: | Health and Fitness

:: Miracle Mind Manifesting Program ::And do you know what that means? The best news you?ll ever hear in your life! You can have, do and be anything that your heart desire?s!

Sound too good to be true? It?s time to unveil the true nature of reality and your true power and potential?

My name?s Aine (pronounced ?Onya? ? that?s an Irish name!), and if you hang out with me for just a few minutes, I?ll explain how you can awaken the immense power of your consciousness to create the life of your dreams with UNCANNY synchronicity and ease! Your reality is not the solid world you believe it to be! As quantum sc.ience now proves, it is comprised of wavelengths of energy that respond directly to your thoughts.

Your world is not separate from you, what?s more, it is malleable. Your heart and mind hold the key to its mastery. You are the creator of your life?s experience whether you are conscious of it or not!

Your life today is a product of what and how you think and what you know and don?t know about the nature of reality and the invisible world around you.

When you discover these insights NOTHING will EVER be the same again! You will step into a WHOLE NEW WAY of living, creating and experiencing your life.

A freedom is waiting for you that is so breathtakingly extraordinary it will change you and your life forever!

You will come to discover that you are SOURCE not SUBJECT of your reality and in such awaken your totally empowered self.

What?s more, you will engage the grace of co-creation where miracles, synchronicities and serendipities abound, hows? are magically taken care of and events in your life seamlessly woven into a tapestry of dreams come true!

Do you think for one minute that you reading this right now is as a result of an accident? Not a chance! There are no accidents! Pay attention and keep an open mind :-)

In just a few hours you can start manifesting your desires, living life on your terms and consciously creating the life you?ve always dreamed of. Not next year, not next decade, but NOW!

1. Foundations ? Discover the secrets of manifesting, the law of attraction and co-creation, packed with illuminating insights that lay the foundation of the program. These include a thorough and holistic exploration of manifesting, the law of attraction and co-creation as well as practical and metaphysical manifesting tips such as creating a ?focus anchor? and how to flex your ?receiving muscle?!

2. Vibrational Manifestating Guide ? 10 secrets to raising your vibration on mental, physical, emotional and spiritual levels to enhance your manifesting success and leverage the law of attraction 100% in your favour. Discover how to create states of consciousness that accelerate the rate of manifesting your desires.

This section also includes access to numerous ADDITIONAL RESOURCES, including an Emotional Freedom Technique Manual, Forgiveness eBook, 10 Step Optimum Diet Guide, Dynamind? Healing Technique, Aloha Spirit Blessings booklet and more!

3. Visions Sheets The Vision Sheets section is designed to assist you in identifying goals in line with your passions, dreams and heart?s desires. As well as exploring goal setting at a whole new level, you will create a vision template? for the specific goal/s you have in mind. This will be implemented in the Manifesting Blueprint Audio Meditation listened to as part of your Daily Program.

4. Belief Clearing Guide The Belief Buster mini-workbook & Belief Buster Meditation (MP3 audio) assist you in identifying and clearing limiting beliefs and replacing them with new empowering beliefs aligned to your visions and goals and include over 8 practical exercises. The Belief Buster Meditation (audio) enables you to install your new beliefs at a subconscious level. You will clear negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs. Bust free from your past programs and limitations! 5. Blocks and Resistance This section looks at 7 manifesting pitfalls that can otherwise distort your emotional resonance and sabotage your manifesting success. It also offers a process of enquiry with which you can identify and disentangle resistances, conflicting thoughts/feelings and blockages that can stand between you and your goals. The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation audio recording (below) includes a ?healing light meditation? for releasing and transmuting any blockages to your manifesting success. 6. Daily Program The Daily Program is your daily manifesting routine to sharpen and hone your manifesting skills and align your vibration to your goals. Flex your spiritual, mental and meta-physical muscles in this daily mind, body, soul workout. The Daily Program creates the structure and framework for action, momentum and implementation to bridge the gap between you and your dreams.

7. Manifesting Blueprint Meditation Audio Recording (MP3) The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation is a guided visualization and encodes your unconscious with your desired goal for its effortless manifestation in your life (listened to daily as part of your 30 day Daily Program). The blueprints you create internally manifest externally with ease. The meditation also enables you to access and engage your emotions to fully activate the law of attraction in your life. The Manifesting Blueprint Meditation also includes a ?healing light meditation? for transmuting and transforming your blockages to success. Sky-rocket your manifesting vibration with this one-of-a-kind life-changing audio.

Below are just SOME of the wealth of insights you will discover in the Miracle Mind Manifesting Program:

"Aine Belton?s Miracle Mind Manifesting Program is second to none. I have seen a lot come and go on the subject of conscious life creation and what many call the ?Law of Attraction?. Yet seldom did I encounter a program with the level of clarity, practicality and attention to what are truly the most important details that so many forget to emphasize. The ?Miracle Mind Manifesting Program? stands out from the many books and programs out there by moving beyond the hype into a clear, step-by-step system that is easy to follow for just about anyone.

It provides a straightforward and workable process that is concise, but leaves no stone unturned nonetheless. And besides all this, the? Read more?

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